From Kentucky Ambulance Providers Association…

H.R. 5460, the Medicare Ambulance Access, Fraud Prevention, and Reform Act  was introduced in the House yesterday afternoon by Congressmen Walden, Neal, Nunes and Welch.

The American Ambulance Association has been meeting with Congressman Walden and members of the House Ways and Means Committee, and they have also met with the offices of Congressmen Roskam, Blumenauer, and Becerra. They are receiving very positive feedback about the bill and hope to secure several key sponsors.

Congressional offices need to hear from their constituents before they agree to cosponsor.

We are asking our KAPA members to contact your member of Congress and ask them to cosponsor this bill. There is a very small window for adding cosponsors before Congress adjourns again for the November elections. Currently, September 23 is the estimate for when Congress will adjourn.

Please visit for help identifying your Congressmen and ways to contact them.

Thank you!