Revenue Projections
At MCA maximizing EMS Reimbursement means everything to us, it’s what we do. You shouldn’t have to jump through hoops in order to evaluate your current or a prospective billing company. Using the form below we can compare your agency’s call data to any of our over 250 clients. We look at your ALS/BLS mix, your percentage of emergency vs. non-emergency calls and the type of non-emergencies, your state of operation, urban vs. rural zip code, and finally the average loaded mileage per transport.
We search our database for clients that best match your agency. We then generate reports to determine the average amount paid per run for the matching agencies. From here, if multiple matches are found we calculate an average among them. We then multiply the average by your agency’s call volume. The result is an accurate projection that is based on historical archived data vs. would-be /could-be projection formulas. If the revenue projection comes out higher than your current collection amount, reach out to us and we’ll analyze your data, determine the issues, and provide solutions.